Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 29

     Today was such an interesting day! I learned all about Ghanian culture regarding relationship and stigmas about HIV here. We had one of the most heartbreaking but informative guest speaker today talk about her experiences living with HIV. This amazing woman had endured so much from the stigmas associated with HIV in Africa. By the end of her talk she had me blinking back tears, constantly. Lesson learned- everybody is a PERSON. Nobody should ever be discriminated against. Every person can make a difference and we need to be encouraging this! It's in this way we can change the world.

     We learned that in a Ghanian society family is the most important thing. Due to this fact, if there is a domestic violence issue it really isn't the best idea for the woman to go straight to the police. If she did she would be bypassing all of the family hierarchy which would cause all of its own problems. Domestic violence is not a black and white issue here and is a very complicated issue.

     We had cultural night and Center for National Culture came and did an amazing traditional dance for us. It was really cool to watch the traditional dance, which required a lot of finesse and strength. There was so much meaning behind the dance! We also had traditional food which I eventually gave up on. My stomach just wasn't wanting me to eat the meat that seemed to be fighting me back in my mouth.
     Tomorrow we leave for our sites! It's the last night of this luxury that is this hotel and honestly it's time we go. Too much of a good thing! Goodbye internet.
     I wish you all the best :)

The drummers for traditional night

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